Join us today for a live debate covering the topic:
Does the Triune God of the Scriptures Exist?
The debate will begin at 10AM and last roughly 1.5 hours. It will be livestreamed from a Google+ hangout and you can watch it below, or directly at the YouTube page here.
The format will be as follows:
Moderator: Ben Woodring
Affirmative – Chris Bolt
Negative – Matt Oxley
Chris Bolt Opening 15 min
Matt Oxley Opening 15 min
Cross Ex Matt Oxley (Questioning) 7 min
Cross Ex Chris Bolt (Questioning) 7 min
Matt Oxley Rebuttal 10 min
Chris Bolt Rebuttal 10 min
Matt Oxley Closing 8 min
Chris Bolt Closing 8 min