Being wrong is good sometimes. Maybe

I can now say that I am so glad to be wrong. My prediction was that, if Obama didnt win in a landslide electoral victory that McCain would snatch it up. MY understanding of this whole thing was that McCain was only fighting for plausible deniability. There are alot of things about Obama that I…

Frigga Asks

In my perpetualĀ  need for inspiration to overcome my bloggers block I asked for some folks to provide with some questions or topics of interest….I’m gonna hit all of the replies as i go along, but this one seems like the easiest one to answer, from Frigga: I could suggest a few topics and definitely…

We’ve been outed!

So I guess I knew it would happen sooner or later, with public openness in such a vast forum as the interweb, one is bound to have his views spread about to his locality. I think I messed up when I added a few of the wrong people to my facebook account, where I often…

explaining yesterday

Just wanted to give an update on the issues from yesterday. If you don’t know, my dadĀ  has been a non-present entity for most of my life, the times that he was there he didn’t generate very many good memories–what with his alcoholism, physical/mental abuse, and drug abuse. He likes his pills…lots of of em…

Vipers, Snakes, and Actors

One of my many holdups from my former faith, is that I still really like alot of the old Christian bands I used to listen to. Underoath, Norma Jean, Demon Hunter (cheezy I know), Living Sacrifice, and mewithoutYou—the list goes on and on. These bands always spoke to me, most of them have a lyrical…


What if I am wrong about all of this?

A person I recently met through the Christian Bloggers Unite blog named Lisa recently posited the question to me thusly: Then my only other question would be: What if you are wrong? Surely that thought lives somewhere in the depths of your heart? And if you are, do you really want the blood of those…


Ray Comfort Vs The Evil Atheists

So the other day I was looking through blogs, dropping my Entrecard on different blogs. I tend to go for the religious/Christian blogs as much as I can, to get the whole Christian crowd to come here as much as possible… So I stumble upon The Powerhouse Ministry Blog and This Entry in particular. Evidently…