Updates: Twitter and RSS feeds

A quick note here. 1: RSS feeds have been transferred to Feedburner syndication…why? because I want to monetize them thru Google…thats why…so now you will see the occasional advertisement in your feeds, you will need to update your subscription on the little RSS icon up at the top corner there *points up there* 2: I…



Bill Maher’s Religulous recently came out on DVD, I rushed to get it as soon as it came out just in case one of our freedom loving local fundies decided to buy them all out so no one would be exposed to it’s deceptions (please read into this a ton of sarcasm). I wanted to…


Talk of the town

I think I have dealt with this before on this blog, but things seem to have escalated around here at my small Georgia town. My wife and I seem to increasingly be the subject of random conversation with people that we don’t even really know. To be completely honest, one of the things that prompted…


Two Important Birthdays!

Today I turned 23. Was a good birthday too because Mellissa @ Blackbird Coffee(the best little coffee shop in the world) gave me free coffee all day, I ended up with 3 Quad shot skinny cappuccinos and a sugar rush from the cinnamon roll she bought me for lunch (lunch of champions). I was wired…


Dormant Christian?

Pastor Guy recently responded to my request for some inspiration, his original topic starter was the inability to prove that emotions exist in the human race. I have to say that guy may be confused as to just what human emotions are other than chemical reactions in the body/brain but they seem to be pretty…

Fun Friday #3: Dentists trip

OK, its another Fun Friday here at RagingRev.com, and when I saw this video I lolled and lolled and lolled through the whole thing…deal is…this kid just got back from the dentist…and the drugs have him High as a kite! When I was in grade school we used to go to the free poor kids…

Excuses, Excuses

That’s right, I am doing one of those much abhorred blog posts about WHY I haven’t made any significant blog posts lately…and, well, really there are quite a few reasons for it…so here goes. 1: Busy—really freaking crazy wild busy…i got like…7 computers in the office right now that i need to have done last…

Entrecard Top Droppers: January 09

Just want to give a little link love and a shout out to my top droppers this month here at RagingRev.com. Here they are, and thanks all of you that drop on this website …you help make it a success. Mind Relaxing Ideas DeDeAndro Cinnamon Spice & Everything Nice Computer Aid Tech Spotlight The Mathais…