
Xmas Compendium

Just wanted to invite everyone to look at all my christmas posts of old…ahh, i still hate the holiday season…and i think you should all read the assortment of blogs i have done on the seasons… we even have a few letters from the fambly! they can be found here: Here and Here

Robert Asks: On the Morality of God

Robert posed a few questions on the Morality and God post that I thought deserved a little attention (actually, all of them from everyone were good, but this is a good easy place to start I think, the conversation that ensued after the post delighted me though, so thanks to those of you that participated,…

Fun Fridays #1

A new tradition begins in the glory that is RagingRev.com </ego> Fun Fridays ! I am gonna try to do this every friday and just post something fun or funny…and today I have QUITE the treat for everyone. A nice Rock n’ Roll video that everyone is SURE to enjoy! my favorite parts: 1: Awesome…

10,000 Unique Visits post

I was looking at my stats today and I suddenly realized that this blog has recieved over 10,000 Unique hits and number 10,000 occured sometimes November 23rd, 2008. Thats pretty good especially considering that the first hit happened on October 3rd, 2008. Right now we are at about 16,000. \/\/007! and my alexa ranking is…


Morality and God

Are morality and god interdependent? In other words, can morals exist outside of the spectrum of theism? Or, in other other words, is god the originator and defining substance behind morality? Recently myself and the Rev. Russ Troester had another long chat, this time we touched on the subject of belief in god essentially being…

I have a new hero

If you live under a rock and still dont know about how Muntadar al-Zaidi, an Iraqi Journalist threw both of his shoes at George W. Bush during his suprise visit to Iraq this weekend. Muntadar is my new hero, I want to buy that guy a huge beer.


had a short outage this morning here at RagingRev.com…i was pretending like i knew what in the hell i was doing with all this PHP stuff, and deleted the posts.php file in my directory because i was having trouble getting it to show up in 2.7 or wordpress. here’s a hint: bad idea. I ended…

Frigga’s Winning Ad!

Like I said yesterday, Frigga has won the Advertisement contest. I will be placing her ad in my side bar for 2 months instead of the original 1 month just to say an extra thanks. You can see her winning entry at the top of this post. Thanks so much frigga. Also, here is the…

And the Winner IS: Frigga

So I held a contest last month for someone to create a banner ad for this site…and Frigga won…I will be putting her ad up tommorow, congrats frigga, the EC are on the way also. I will be posting the banner itself tommorow also for everyone to see….been SUUUUUUUPER busy the last couple of days…

Cardinal Sins of the Internet

Just note never …never ever ever ever ever….ever give away a major plot point in a forum/facebook/myspace bulletin post of anything like that. never ever…ever. never I am reading Eclipse from the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer—the third out of four books in the series. someone, whom will remain completely nameless just gave a HUUUUGE…