just have to go ahead and put this out there—my mother is mad at me because of my last few entries, which my uncle john printed off to give to her. my guess is that the comment i made about her not calling after she got what she wanted from me is what set her off, if not that i can only imagine what ic could be.
but lets go ahead and face it—the only time she called me is when she needed something from me or out of me—-that is a fact. what other conclusion should i come to?
so it seems she may not be going to the wedding–again–. Does this not prove the points i have made about her being extremely childish?? just like with the last entry when she called to make me feel bad about her not getting an invitation to the wedding shower kevin threw–when he did invite her verbally and actually sent an invitation through the mail!
she even went as far as to tell my aunt and uncle not to get us anything as far as wedding gifts/money–or at least this is what i was told, and if they did, she wasnt going to speak to them anymore, but as the wedding decoration was important, she got red table linens specially for this day, so everything will look as great as she wants.
maybe all that was exaggeration–but honestly it sounds like something she would do–and has done before.
the tunnell this came through was Kevin, who got this from Janice (coworker) whom is judy’s best friend that she tells everything to. this is beyond rediculous.
So john, since i know you read this religiously—-please shoot me an email—i would love to see this confirmed or denied—and i lost judy’s number again. its still RevOxley_501@mchsi.com
seems she is still in the mindset as well, that i want a handout—
why does the person whom has recieved nothign but handouts accuse me of wanting one? Everyone wants a handout! I am the one that keeps getting screwed over by everyone–including her–so what in the hell could she possibly accuse me of? The only thing people are giving me freely is a hard time and extra bills.
So john, faye, if what was handed down was true, i genuinely appreciate the effort–but i wouldnt want to jeopardize your relationship with Judy–
and i am still sorry, though not incorrect, that things got to the point they did.
and if anyone does want to give some handouts—